見習村23 - Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d
23 - Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d
Don’t say so much, just coding…
If n is the numerator and d the denominator of a fraction, that fraction is defined a (reduced) proper fraction if and only if GCD(n,d)==1.
For example 5/16
is a proper fraction, while 6/16
is not, as both 6 and 16 are divisible by 2, thus the fraction can be reduced to 3/8
Now, if you consider a given number d, how many proper fractions can be built using d as a denominator?
For example, let’s assume that d is 15: you can build a total of 8 different proper fractions between 0 and 1 with it: 1/15, 2/15, 4/15, 7/15, 8/15, 11/15, 13/15 and 14/15.
You are to build a function that computes how many proper fractions you can build with a given denominator:
The order of the permutations doesn’t matter.
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Be ready to handle big numbers.
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Sample Testing
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Sample Testing
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想法(1): 一開始我是直接暴力破解的,但發現時間複雜度很高,所以沒過 ·__·
想法(2): 其實題目就是 1 ~ N 中與 N 互質的數
,後來找到原來是 歐拉函示(?)
Hint & Reference
- Ruby
- JavaScript
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