見習村22 - Permutations 22 - PermutationsDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionIn this kata you have to create all permutations of an input string and remove duplicates, if present. This means, you have to shuffle all l 2020-10-07 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村21 - Snail 21 - SnailDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionSnail Sort Given an n x n array, return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise. 1234array = 2020-10-06 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村20 - Scramblies 20 - ScrambliesDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionComplete the function scramble(str1, str2) that returns true if a portion of str1 characters can be rearranged to match str2, otherwise return 2020-10-05 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村19 - RGB To Hex Conversion 19 - RGB To Hex ConversionDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionThe rgb function is incomplete. Complete it so that passing in RGB decimal values will result in a hexadecimal representation being 2020-10-04 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村18 - Maximum subarray sum 18 - Maximum subarray sumDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionThe maximum sum subarray problem consists in finding the maximum sum of a contiguous subsequence in an array or list of integers: 12 2020-10-03 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村17 - Valid Parentheses 17 - Valid ParenthesesDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionWrite a function called that takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parentheses is valid. The function shoul 2020-10-02 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村16 - Memoized Fibonacci 16 - Memoized FibonacciDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionProblem Context The Fibonacci sequence is traditionally used to explain tree recursion. This algorithm serves welll its educative purp 2020-10-01 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村15 - Directions Reduction 15 - Directions ReductionDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionOnce upon a time, on a way through the old wild mountainous west,…… a man was given directions to go from one point to another. The 2020-09-30 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村14 - Simple Pig Latin 14 - Simple Pig LatinDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionMove the first letter of each word to the end of it, then add “ay” to the end of the word. Leave punctuation marks untouched. Examples 1 2020-09-29 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村13 - int32 to IPv4 13 - int32 to IPv4Don’t say so much, just coding… InstructionTake the following IPv4 address: This address has 4 octets where each octet is a single byte (or 8 bits). 1st octet 128 has th 2020-09-28 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars