冒險村01 - Begin from linter(1) 01 - Begin from linter : rails_best_practices好的開始,是成功的一半。 不管是前端、後端,當一個團隊每個成員撰寫程式的風格不同,對於維護、開發都相對會困難些。如果有個統一的規定,會一定程度提高專案開發效率。這類型的 tools 在每個程式都有相對應的 linter 可以使用。 這次開頭第一篇就從名字很淺顯易懂的 rails_best_practices 2021-09-16 13th鐵人賽 13th鐵人賽 後端冒險村 ruby on rails
從佛系到高效學習,「偽」本科生成為工程師之路 從佛系到高效學習,「偽」本科生成為工程師之路2019 年 7 月 15 日「五倍紅寶石 ASTRO Camp 第二屆」始業式那天對我來說還記憶猶新,即便一切距今已有一年之久,但那一年其實是我從碩士班畢業後的第一年。知道自己即將脫離學生身份的我,希望在成為社會新鮮人之前,再衝刺、充實自己的機會。 背景私立資管系學事所畢業,大一修過 C 語言、資料庫,大二修過物件導向、網頁程式設計,碩士論文主要在研 2020-12-01 5xcampus 5xcampus
見習村30 - A Chain adding function 30 - A Chain adding functionDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionWe want to create a function that will add numbers together when called in succession. 12add(1)(2);// returns 3 We also want to b 2020-10-15 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村29 - Sum of Intervals 29 - Sum of IntervalsDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionWrite a function called sumIntervals/sum_intervals() that accepts an array of intervals, and returns the sum of all the interval lengths 2020-10-14 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村28 - Find the missing letter 28 - Find the missing letterDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionWrite a method that takes an array of consecutive (increasing) letters as input and that returns the missing letter in the array. 2020-10-13 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村27 - First non-repeating character 27 - First non-repeating characterDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionWrite a function named first_non_repeating_letter that takes a string input, and returns the first character that is not re 2020-10-12 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村26 - Tongues 26 - TonguesDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionGandalf’s writings have long been available for study, but no one has yet figured out what language they are written in. Recently, due to program 2020-10-11 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村25 - Range Extraction 25 - Range ExtractionDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionA format for expressing an ordered list of integers is to use a comma separated list of either individual integers or a range of intege 2020-10-10 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村24 - Best travel 24 - Best travelDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionJohn and Mary want to travel between a few towns A, B, C … Mary has on a sheet of paper a list of distances between these towns. ls = [50, 55 2020-10-09 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars
見習村23 - Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d 23 - Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator dDon’t say so much, just coding… InstructionIf n is the numerator and d the denominator of a fraction, that fraction is defined a (reduced) proper frac 2020-10-08 12th鐵人賽 12th鐵人賽 刷題見習村 CodeWars